Category «Education»

How to tan safely outside

Before you scare with horror stories about tan and the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. It is worth saying a few words about its benefits. Sunlight is vital for almost all creatures on the planet. In the human body, it promotes the natural form of vitamin D, which stimulates the strengthening of bone tissue and the production of certain hormones.

How to learn to manage the anger

Anger is a natural reaction of the psyche to certain negative situations that occur in a person’s life. Due to a large surge of negative emotions (after an outburst of anger), a state of effect (uncontrolled actions) may follow. In this state, every person can do many things, for which later he may be very ashamed.

How to make an introduction in a post that will arouse the reader’s interest?

For digital marketing, the introduction is of great importance, because when the reader processes the text completely and feels satisfied with the information received, the likelihood increases that he will turn to another article and spend more time on the page, which is beneficial for business. After all, he gets to know you much more and at some point may become a client.

Top five myths about myopia

The experience of specialists indicates that the earlier treatment is started, the more likely it is to prevent the progression of myopia and the development of complications in the fundus area since they cause a decrease in visual acuity. In the absence of treatment, it is impossible to predict the course of the disease at all, because in this case, the progression of the disease can go very fast and lead to significant damage to the organ of vision. This can be avoided only if the child is regularly monitored by an ophthalmologist. As evidenced by the experience of specialists at the Clear Eye ophthalmology clinic, the permissible growth gradient of myopia can be no more than half a diopter per year, in such cases, the fundus, as a rule, does not suffer.

The importance of the human soul and body

Tibetan monks live in the mountains, eat natural foods, do not use any chemicals, do not forget about yoga, and meditation, and throughout this time they remain healthy and strong in body. Otherwise, how can one explain the amazing vitality of Tibetan monks? In this article, we will talk about the human spirit, material, and spiritual values, and self-belief.