Top five myths about myopia

The experience of specialists indicates that the earlier treatment is started, the more likely it is to prevent the progression of myopia and the development of complications in the fundus area since they cause a decrease in visual acuity. In the absence of treatment, it is impossible to predict the course of the disease at all, because in this case, the progression of the disease can go very fast and lead to significant damage to the organ of vision. This can be avoided only if the child is regularly monitored by an ophthalmologist. As evidenced by the experience of specialists at the Clear Eye ophthalmology clinic, the permissible growth gradient of myopia can be no more than half a diopter per year, in such cases, the fundus, as a rule, does not suffer.


Myth: Myopia can be cured with drops Reality: Indeed, in the treatment of progressive myopia in children, the use of drugs that dilate the pupil is indicated. The use of such means is because, with myopia, a spasm of accommodation often develops, i.e. the muscles constricting the pupil are excessively contracted, and similar means are used to relax them. However, to normalize the work of these muscles, does not require their constant relaxation and, as a result, shut down from work, but on the contrary, constant training in various load modes. But such drops not only cannot adapt these muscles to various visual modes, but they can also have the opposite effect – when they are canceled, myopia often begins to progress even more actively.

treatment of progressive myopia in children Unsplash License


Myth: Glasses are a lifelong reality: The misconception that if a child puts on glasses, then he will wear them all his life is quite common, although it has no basis. Let’s start with the fact that the child needs glasses for more comfortable well-being and they do not have any therapeutic effect. I.e. if he feels comfortable in everyday life without glasses, then he does not need them and prescribes glasses only for giving with myopia up to 3 diopters.

Getting things in focus

Visual activity

With a high degree of myopia and a sharp decrease in visual acuity, glasses are prescribed for permanent use. At the same time, it should be noted that in the case of stabilization of myopia for 2 years and the use of excimer laser technologies, the child may forget about wearing glasses. Glasses for permanent wear can also be “canceled” for hyperopia and astigmatism, of course, in the case of proper and timely treatment and regular observation by an ophthalmologist.

Laser Vision

Myth: Laser Vision glasses can help with myopia Reality: Polydiaphragmatic glasses “Laser Vision” or, as they are also called, “glasses in a hole” have recently been advertised almost as a remedy for any eye disease. Let’s leave such statements on the conscience of advertisers, and consider only the effect of “Laser Vision” glasses with myopia. With myopia, “Laser Vision” glasses only create more comfortable conditions for vision by increasing the depth of optical focus, in approximately the same way as it is achieved by squinting. Such glasses do not have any therapeutic effect, i.e. there is no harm from them, as there is no benefit. Although many ophthalmologists disagree with the latter statement and point out that there is still harm when using “Laser Vision” glasses because the illusion of treatment is created and precious time is lost for really effective treatment.


Blueberry remedies

Myth: Blueberry preparations help in the treatment of myopia. Reality: in most cases, “blueberry remedies” are biologically active additives (dietary supplements) in the form of multivitamin kits. Dietary supplements have nothing to do with classical medicines and do not undergo full-scale clinical trials, but only receive permission from the Ministry of Health and are prohibited for use in clinical practice, especially in children. No sane clinician will use dietary supplements in their practice, specialists use various vitamin and mineral-vitamin complexes approved by the Pharmaceutical Committee of the Russian Federation and well-proven in pediatric practice, but dietary supplements have nothing to do with them, including “blueberry pills”.

Prevention of myopia

Myopia: prevention is more effective than treatment

This statement applies to any disease, but in ophthalmology, it has special relevance, including
and about myopia. Visual hygiene is of great importance even in children who currently do not have any visible pathology.

To prevention of diseases of the visual organ, visual loads in children should be carefully dosed. It is recommended to read only in good light and sit at a desk or a comfortable table (there is no question of reading lying down or while eating, this is unacceptable). TV is taboo until the age of two, not only because of the adverse effect on the eyes but also on the state of the central nervous system. Preschool children are recommended to watch TV no more than 30-40 minutes a day. For older children, this time can be increased to 1, 5-3 hours, but continuously – no more than 1.5 hours (i.e. 1 movie at a time). It should be noted that there are no “useful” or “harmless” types of TV or computer screen, regardless of whether it is a regular TV with a cathode ray tube, liquid crystal, or plasma panel, the harm from them is the same and consists in prolonged visual load at a fixed distance.

Watching TV

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