Currently, an increasing number of people suffer from various chronic pain disorders. In Germany alone, more than 14 million people over the age of 14 suffer from chemical intolerance. On the one hand, our environment is very polluted with chemicals, but on the other hand, it is also polluted with highly toxic heavy metals. One of these common heavy metals is mercury. Every child today knows that a broken mercury thermometer emits highly toxic fumes.
Around 1830, the manufacture of amalgam fillings containing mercury for the first time led to a “war” between dentists. European doctors wanted to distribute an amalgam invented in France to the United States, which caused a heated debate. Their cheap amalgam fillings soon displaced dentists who care about the health of patients and used fillings made of gold. Every year people became more and more aware of the dangers of amalgam and the mercury contained in it. The law still requires that in all dental offices in California there is a warning sign informing that this dentist works with Amalgam.
Mercury fillings have long been banned in Japan. It is believed that this is one of the reasons why there is practically no such disease as multiple sclerosis in this country.
Mercury consumption.
A person consumes about 2 micrograms (micrograms) of mercury daily with food — this is an insignificant amount. The vast majority of mercury enters the body through amalgam fillings, namely about 0.015 mg per day. Today, amalgam consists of a mixture of about 50% liquid mercury and a powder (called an “alloy”) consisting of copper, silver, tin, zinc, and sometimes also palladium, nickel, and cadmium. Theoretically, these components work together to form a solid mass. But in practice, it looks a little different.
Heavy metals in amalgam fillings, which should be treated as hazardous waste, get into tissues and blood. They are absorbed by direct contact with the tooth substance. The cement base under the amalgam seal should prevent the amalgam from seeping into the body, but today this is usually not done for cost reasons. Meanwhile, intense chewing, hot and sour food, and galvanic currents (which occur when there are other metals in the mouth, such as gold or titanium) contribute to the release of the filling. In any case, mercury vapor constantly escapes from the fillings, which then, when inhaled, falls directly into the blood or through the jaw.
Mercury can be in an elementary (metallic), inorganic and organic state. Elemental mercury is a semi-precious metal that is in a liquid state at room temperature. If you break the thermometer at room temperature, the mercury will disappear (evaporate) within two days. These mercury vapors are especially dangerous because they completely combine with small alveoli after inhalation. From there they get into the blood system and, thus, into the whole body. Since mercury now circulates in the bloodstream, it can easily cross the placenta and the blood-brain barrier and be deposited in the body – next to all other organs. It is then oxidized to electrically charged mercury. It is very difficult for such ions to leave the cells on their own — therefore, more and more mercury accumulates in the cells.
You need to know that mercury vapors constantly come out of fillings (amalgams) and enter the respiratory tract! This happens especially intensively when drilling and polishing, as well as when chewing and eating. Mercury vapors can be detected in the mouth using appropriate measuring instruments.
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt measured the mercury content of his patients when they exhaled and found that it was 480 times higher than the maximum allowable value in the industry! In addition, victims are exposed to these toxic fumes every time they chew. Even patients who had their fillings removed a few years ago had elevated levels of mercury in their breath. Inorganic mercury compounds can be found, among other things, in medicines, rust inhibitors, insecticides, impregnations, and disinfectants.
However, inorganic mercury compounds are also dissolved by galvanic currents in the mouth if someone besides amalgam has gold fillings. But these electromagnetic processes also occur between different metals of the amalgam filler itself! Inorganic mercury is absorbed by the body only in the range of 10-25 percent (in the intestine), and it is also very difficult for them to penetrate the blood-brain and placental barriers. However, microorganisms in the digestive tract can convert these inorganic compounds into organic salts of methyl and ethyl mercury.
Methyl mercury is found in the food chain mainly in fish. The mercury salt content in seawater in fish (for example, tuna) can increase up to 25 million times. These salts are well absorbed, and up to 95 percent can be absorbed by the body. They also easily pass through the blood-brain and placental barriers. They remain detectable in the blood for about seventy days because they attach to red blood cells; subsequently, they are deposited mainly in the brain, liver, kidneys, and tissues of the immune system. Then the liver removes 90 percent through the bile and intestines and 10 percent through the kidneys. Most of the mercury released with bile is reabsorbed in the intestine.
Mercury damage the body.
One of the properties of mercury is binding to sulfur. Sulfur is naturally present in the body and is a very important component of proteins. Because it binds to sulfur proteins, which are the main component of enzymes, it also blocks the vital functions of enzymes. Many enzymes need “helpers”, so-called cofactors – molecules similar to those found in zinc or iron. These cofactors are repelled from enzymes by mercury and, thus, make enzyme chains ineffective. Often it is the enzymes that are affected that should contribute to the excretion of mercury. In the case of mercury poisoning, for example, the need for selenium increases, since mercury can combine extremely strongly with selenium and thus becomes harmless.
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt says in one of his lectures that in the center of cancer tumors, very often an increased amount of mercury can be detected in the tissues.
However, mercury can also block the cell membrane and interfere with the absorption of potassium, calcium, and sodium, which sooner or later leads to cell death. Mercury also connects to functional proteins and sugar—protein bonds on the outer shell of the cell. These proteins serve as a sign of recognition of the immune system. Thus, the immune system can recognize whether it is an endogenous cell (i.e. a good cell), or an alien (i.e. a bad cell). When mercury is on these identification tags, the immune system perceives the affected cell of the body as foreign and begins to destroy it. This can lead to autoimmune diseases!
In addition, mercury also increases the formation of free radicals. These free radicals can attack and damage organs and tissues in the body if they are found in too large quantities. Free radicals can play a role in autoimmune diseases, drug side effects, cancer, inflammation, arthritis, and vascular diseases.
- Free radicals are neutralized by so-called antioxidants. One of the best antioxidants is OPC.
- Mercury can also bind to DNA components (more with thymidine and uracil, less with cytosine, guanine, and adenosine).
But mercury not only damages the body but also “strengthens” the bacteria in it. American and Canadian researchers have found that bacteria also become resistant to mercury in the presence of amalgam fillings. According to these studies, they simultaneously become resistant to various antibiotics.
However, mercury also contributes to the accumulation of other environmental toxins in the body and prevents their excretion. Sooner or later, this can lead to MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity). This means that a strong intolerance to many volatile substances develops, such as detergents, shampoo, cigarette smoke, and solvents.
Diseases due to mercury
All metals are neurotoxins. This means that their effects primarily affect the nervous system. This can lead to the following consequences: fear, irritability, nervousness, anxiety, emotional instability, loss of self-confidence, shyness, shame, memory loss, sleep problems, depression, etc.
The two main characteristics of mercury-related conditions are numbness and severe burning pain. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt gives the following example: A patient comes to the clinic and says that he has pain from sciatica. When asked exactly how the pain feels, he replies: severe, burning pain. However, according to Klinghardt, these are “mercurial” pains. Because the sciatica pain caused by the intervertebral disc feels like short repetitive electrical discharges. If the pain persists, it should be considered a sign of mercury exposure. Important: not all pain disorders are caused by mercury.
Alzheimer’s disease is caused, among other things, by an increased load on the brain of heavy metals. On the one hand, mercury can settle directly in the brain, and other metals can also enter the brain through the blood or the open blood-brain barrier. (The blood-brain barrier is opened by electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and DECT phones, as well as Wi-Fi.) However, Alzheimer’s disease can also develop when the brain dries up. So you need to drink two and a half or three liters of water a day so that the body is optimally supplied with fluid. Studies of the brains of people who died from Alzheimer’s disease showed that the mercury content was four times higher than in people who did not suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. And this is just in those areas of the brain that are degenerating due to Alzheimer’s disease.
Studies show that people with multiple sclerosis (MS) often have at least one amalgam filling and suffer from high levels of mercury. Athletes with amalgam fillings also have an increased risk of developing multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (amyotrophic turning sclerosis). The daily load on muscles and tissues displaces mercury from connective tissue and, consequently, is deposited in the nervous system and brain.
However, mercury can also contribute to and/or provoke the following diseases: kidney dysfunction, fibromyalgia, facial muscle twitching, Parkinson’s disease, headaches, migraines, chronic pain, chronic infections with fungi and pathogens, diseases of the cardiovascular system, etc.