20 amazing benefits of drinking beet juice

Beetroot has long been very popular because of its health benefits. It is well known for several benefits, such as lowering blood pressure, preventing heart problems, kidney problems, etc. This list is what we intend to look at in detail here and maybe think about including beet juice in our lives. Beet juice can give us an instant boost of energy. It is the undisputed champion among all the juices that we can drink to improve our health. Before discussing how it can benefit us, let’s look at the properties of beets.

Benefits of juice

Nutritional value of beetroot:

Calorie content: 58 kcal
Fats: 0 g
Sodium: 106 mg
Carbohydrates: 13 g
Cholesterol: 0
Fiber: 4 g
Sugar: 9 g
Squirrels: 2 g
Vitamin B6: 0.1 mg (5% of daily value)
Vitamin C: 6 mg (11% of the daily value)
Sodium: 106 mg (4% CH)
Zinc: 0.5 mg (3% daily value)
Calcium: 21 mg (2% CH)
Copper: 0.1 mg (5% CH)
Phosphorus: 54 mg (5% daily value)
Iron: 1 mg (6% daily value)
Magnesium: 31 mg (8% of daily value)
Potassium: 442 mg (13% CH)
Manganese: 0.4 mg (22% daily value)
Pantothenic acid: 0.2 mg (2% daily value)
Riboflavin: 0.1 mg (3% daily value)
Niacin: 0.5 mg (2% CH)
Thiamine: 001 mg (3% of daily value)
Folic acid: 148 mcg (37% CH)
Vitamin A
Vitamin B12
Selenium: 1 mg
Vitamin K … And much more in small quantities.

Nutritional value of beetroot

Beetroot also contains nitrates, which in many other cases can be harmful, but in this case, they are very useful. These inorganic nitrates are converted in our body into nitric oxide, which helps to dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, etc. When we got acquainted with the nutritional facts about beets, it’s time to learn about their amazing benefits.

20 benefits of beet juice:

benefits of beet juice

  1. Prevents birth defects: beetroot contains folic acid, and only 100 g of beetroot is enough to meet 27% of the daily intake. Folic acid prevents any birth defects.
  2. Cancer Prevention: It contains betacyanin, which helps prevent cancer.
  3. Reduces the likelihood of obesity: Studies show that eating beetroot reduces our chances of obesity and reduces the overall chances of premature death.
  4. Reduces the risk of hypertension: beetroot reduces the risk of hypertension. As explained earlier, nitrates in beets dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure.
  5. Improves memory and vital functions: beetroot contains choline, which is very useful for reviving memory, speeding up learning, and improving sleep and muscle movements. Choline also helps to maintain the nervous system in a healthy state, promotes the absorption of fat, and the maintenance of cell structure.
  6. Detoxification: Beetroot also contains trimethylglycine, which helps in detoxification and removal of an amino acid called homocysteine, which is associated with the occurrence of strokes that cause damage to red blood vessels and atherosclerosis.
  7. Lowers cholesterol. Beet juice increases the production of glutathione, which attaches to toxins in the body and removes them with feces. It also reduces the level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in our body and restricts blood flow. It also increases the level of good cholesterol (HDL) and prevents heart disease and arteriosclerosis.
  8. Gives energy: increases athletic performance by increasing the ability of our blood to carry oxygen. This also causes a decrease in the oxygen demand of the muscles. All this means a significant increase in the level of our energy and endurance.
  9. Controls Diabetes: It contains alpha-lipoic acid, which increases insulin sensitivity, lowers glucose levels, and prevents changes caused by oxidative stress in diabetic patients. Therefore, it must be in the diet of a diabetic to stay healthy.
  10. Prevents arthritis: Helps to dissolve excess calcium that may have been deposited around joints and tissues. Being strongly alkaline causes the dissolution of excess calcium deposits. Thus, it helps to fight arthritis.
  11. Fights anemia. Beetroot’s richness in vitamins B1, B2, B6, and P, as well as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc, calcium, sulfur, iodine, copper, and fats, helps patients with low hemoglobin levels to fight anemia.
  12. Effective anti-aging agent: beetroot juice helps neutralize free radicals that cause many other problems and lead to a faster aging process. Beetroot helps us slow down the aging process and keep our youth longer.
  13. Improves digestion. It is also known that beet juice improves intestinal function, digestion, and absorption of food. It also helps to normalize stomach upset.
  14. Boosts Metabolism: Beet juice also helps to speed up our metabolism, which means an increase in the rate of basal metabolism. This, in turn, means that we have to make less effort to be in perfect shape.
  15. Improves mood: It also contains tryptophan and betaine, which lift our spirits. Consequently, it will also help us stay happy and contain stress in today’s fast-paced life.
  16. Prevents the appearance of acne: daily consumption of beet juice will help us keep our skin clean and acne-free, as well as minimize the amount of fat. Apply a mixture of 2 servings of beet juice with 1 serving of yogurt, and the pimples will dry very quickly and will not even leave scars.
  17. Removes dark circles: Applying beetroot juice to dark circles also helps to eliminate them.
  18. Enriches hair health: beetroot improves the overall condition of the hair. Beetroot juice can be mixed with ginger juice if the goal is to prevent hair loss. If you add vinegar to it, the problem of the dry scalp will disappear.
  19. Improves Liver Health: Being rich in antioxidants, it improves liver function by eliminating toxins that interfere with its health. Glutathione helps to maintain the health of our liver and restore its cells, and also improves the production of fats in the liver.
  20. Improves skin hydration: Beetroot juice also helps keep the skin hydrated and removing the top layer of dead cells from our skin, helps us maintain smooth skin.

Precautions to keep in mind

Beetroot is undoubtedly full of benefits to qualify it as a superfood, but there are a few things we should keep in mind when consuming beet juice.


  • Like most fresh juices, it is not recommended to store them for a long time, otherwise, it can become a breeding ground for bacteria that turn nitrate into nitrite, and then it will be potentially very harmful.
  • A large number of nitrates in the diet can negatively react to some medications. Therefore, even if it is a superfood, it is recommended to exercise moderation and consult a doctor if any course of treatment is being carried out.
  • It can cause redness of feces or urine.

Now we know about the properties and benefits of beet juice, and also discussed the precautions that need to be taken into account when taking advantage of this superfood. So, it’s time to apply this knowledge to improve health and life without diseases.

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